Film Review: Suicide Squad

This will only be a short review as there isn’t much I really want to comment on over this film. When it first came out, it received mixed reviews to say the least. People complained about the editing, script and the general plot holes. So I watched it, expecting it to be, well awful. So I was surprised about how much I ended up enjoying it after the first half an hour.

It was slow and the editing was a little sloppy, but it nicely put in the super villains back story allowing for further development. It was your typical superhero film, with bad guys. Forced to help the government, otherwise face death, we see this group of criminals join forces to do what they are told. I thought the backstory with Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and The Joker (Jaret Leto) was a good addition, and does allow for a follow-up film. Deadshot (Will Smith) was my favourite villain, followed by Harley Quinn and Diablo (Jay Hernandez) who is the real badass, restrained by his moral compass. There is a lot of potential with this mix of characters, in particular, any further development on Deadshot, Harley Quinn and The Joker could be quite good. However, it will be a big risk.

The film wasn’t amazing, but it wasn’t awful. It was a little messy and rough round the edges, could have done with a bit more work. I did like the little cameo’s from Batman (Ben Affleck) and the Flash (Ezra Miller), which let people connect to the other realms of the DC universe. Despite my negatively, the soundtrack for the film was perfect in representing the atmosphere and the acting was first class.

I feel like the momentum of superhero films are becoming exhausted, and it isn’t all about quality anymore, but churning them out to make money. While I know that’s ‘part of hollywood baby’ , take a risk and have a breather.

I’m still a fan of superhero films and always will be, but they seem to be a bit ‘meh’ as of late. The next superhero film that I will be genuinely fired up about will be the release of the Incredibles 2, which is due in 2018. 14 years since the first film, it better be just as good.


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